Costc-Oh No!
I just got back from Costco with Mom, who spent approximately three million dollars on things like soap and toothpaste and socks and ibuprofen and bandaids. You know, the things they don't have in Australia.... meh, I'd rather get it here and have more money over there. According to the talented Jay Duncan, who recently completed a 3-month stint in Bendigo, things are just a bit more expensive over there.At this week's Gather, the first actually, I had some time to chat with Jay and with John, another well-traveled man. Jay gave me some good church advice, which is appreciated. Turns out, there's one right on my street that I might want to check out once I've settled in a little bit.
I have three days left of work. I'm taking tomorrow off and it's going to frickin rule. I have to go see Howard for physio and then Dr. Stern for a follow-up on the bloody orthotics, and then to the clinic for some meds and then blah blah blah. So it's not really a day off. But I'm leaving in *cough* seven sleeps, so really, it's time to get going.
Ooooh another thing I have to do tomorrow is hunt down my cousin's husband and ask him very sweetly if he'd like to get me a deal on a Canon A95. Bryan manages a FutureShop, so I think it'll be good times.
I'm still reading In a Sunburned Country, and today's chapter featured the mighty mighty platypus. Part mammal, part reptile, it's evolved in its own unique and crazypants way. I think I like it.

It just screams, "Look at me! I'm crazy and wonderful and a bunch of different animals squished together and there's nothing you can do about it mwuahahahahah!!!!!"
OK. Time to unpack this crate of jumbo-sized everything. Maybe I should return it all and insist it's a trampoline. Tomko would never know what hit them. Wait a second....
I just took the virtual tour on the Wollawollabingbong web site. :)
I am so excited for you!
It's only now hitting me that you're leaving. Before it was a fact I knew but hadn't fully internalized yet.
Look forward to seeing you again tomorrow....and then again at Christmas :)
love Z
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