My Week So Far
Tanya: What are you going to do today, Sara?
Sara: The same thing I do every day, Tanya. Try to take over the world! Err I mean, fold things!
I find ways to amuse myself and the people around me.

After all of my whining and complaining, Kiersten ended up sleeping through her alarm and we missed the sunrise. Boo!

Kiersten making the rounds and saying goodbye.

After getting Kiersten safely into her taxi (at 4:30 am) Liz and I braved the elements and went to the beach for round two of Trying to See the Sun Rise. Was it disappointing? Yes. Were the clouds big stupid RUINERS? Why yes. Was it still pretty? Yeah, why not.
Went this morning to visit Kate, my Poli 323 prof. She is just about my favorite person right now. I'm going to miss her quite a bit. She had lots of good advice to offer even though she didn't think she would. Also, she said that she could tell that I was Canadian because I don't look American. Not sure if that's a good thing, a bad thing, or because I wear that sexy nylon Canadian flag tracksuit everywhere I go.
Kate likes to drink espresso.
Kate started her undergrad when she was thirty.
Kate has knowledge and passion and knows how to use both.
Kate has a coat that she thinks looks like a bunch of cats.
Kate puts all of our assignments into a polka dot box.
My other politics prof, Steve (also one of the smartest human beings in whose presence I've had the pleasure of being), he said something the other day that I found very interesting:
"We're forced into a situation where we tolerate atrocity, because we're told that the problem is so immense that there's nothing we can do about it."
Steve kind of looks like Santa Claus.
Steve is a Marxist.
Steve has been a lecturer for thirty-five years.
Steve taught Kate when she was doing her undergraduate degree.
Steve likes to call political theorists "sneaky little bastards."
Your profs sound very cool :) Polka dot boxes are where it's at.
I like Kiersten's name.
The beach still looks be-uuuutiful.
I miss you!!!!
crap! that is the answer....a canadian track suit...err, hey, can you post me
your track suit when you come back from aus?
crap! that is the answer....a canadian track suit...err, hey, can you post me
your track suit when you come back from aus?
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