And She's Arrived
Hello from Wollongong. I'm sitting in an internet cafe at the moment because I haven't been registered for my classes yet and therefore don't have an internet username or password for the residence.The flight was decent; I sat beside a nice Christian guy who was going to visit his daughter in Sydney. I managed to sleep for most of the flight, so that was a real gift.
When I arrived at Campus East, the RA eagerly loaded me up with information and took me to my room. I think it was then that it hit me that I am alone in a foreign land. She asked if I had any questions. "Yeah, can I go home?" Kidding... I went through the whole "what have I done?" thing for about 20 minutes and then felt a lot better. Called my parents, called Brea to wish her a Happy Birthday, and then slept for most of the rest of the day, despite my best efforts to stay awake.
Yesterday (Sunday), I woke up at 6 and made myself stay in bed until 7 then proceeded to shower and wander over to the office to get a map. It was then that I took my first adventure by myself, up and down a few roads to Fairy Meadow Anglican Church. It was a bit dry, but the pastor immediately spotted me and advised me that I would probably prefer the 7 pm service. I stopped at the store to get things like shampoo and a laundry basket and then hung around my room for a while before grabbing dinner and heading back to the church. I did like the 7 pm service better, but I'm not sure if I'll commit to that either.
I was just craving human contact. Everyone is still on their session break and won't be back for a week. I'm lonely. Not sad, just lonely. I went on my first train ride today (sorry Mom, it's kind of necessary to ride the train if you want to get anywhere remotely far away), and set up a bank account.
The plan now is to find a travel agency and see if I can take off for a few days. Because I don't think I can handle being here alone for another week.
So that's that. People here are friendly, but no one is in residence. I haven't been to the uni yet, the weather is beautiful in the day and cold at night. I'll post a proof-of-life photo when I have internet access in res. In the meantime just trust that I'm doing ok, and that you'll here from me soon.
Hope the loneliness passes soon. I'm so glad to know you're safe, sound, and have a place to put your laundry :)
miss ya,
Hey Sara,
Hope everything is going well over in the 'Gong, my old stomping grounds! You'll have to check out Lighthouse Community Church, it's just outside the downtown Wollongong train station, it's a branch off of Hillsongs. A good day trip is to go south to the little towns, they are very cute.
Did I mention that in that pic of Wollongong, you can see where I lived? It's just across from the Novotel. keep us updated, have i told you that i'm so jealous??
rose :)
Wow Sara.
That reminds me of when we were in Lawn-dawn in the internet cafe all talking to our friends back home. I wish we were there with you. Thankyou so much again for calling, that meant a lot. I have so much respect for you. You have so much courage to just go out there and do it. It must have taken a lot of strength and self determination to go out there alone and start your life on the other side of the world, basically. Now .. if that doesn't get a notch on your cool belt, I dont know WHAT does.
Love you. Always thinking about you.
*I wonder what time it is in Aussie. Alright ... Sara should be sleeping now. OK .. now Sara is prolly sight seeing, or walking around the halls of her dorm. Maybe she's getting lost in which case shes asking some hot aussie which way it is back to Canada. Left or right?*
Whooohoooo :D Glad you made it and I am sure it'll be a blast once people are back. Hope to hear from you soon.
sweet. trust me, your beginning is perfect as will be the middle and end.
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