Monday, November 7, 2005: Around Auckland

“So… what do you want to do?”
“I dunno, what do you want to do?”
“No, what do YOU want to do?”
“Um, I don’t really care.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
“Well, whatever you want to do is fine.”
“I’d be cool with pretty much anything. I’m easy.”
The problem with me and Karana is that both of us turned out to be pretty laid back when it comes to traveling. I’m so easily amused that sitting and looking at things is good enough for me. And Karana, well, she calls it laziness, but I think she’s just low maintenance. And then there's all that Hawaiian in her.
We ended up settling on an exploration of Auckland. After a marvelous sleep-in thanks to those gorgeous Egyptian cotton sheets, we had a rather late start, but neither of us seemed to care much. Umm, vacation! HELLO?!
It was sprinkling with rain as we zigzagged our way down to the wharf and then zigzagged into a mall to buy a duffel bag and then zigzagged up and down some streets, picking up small souvenirs here and there. I often wonder how effective zigzagging is, especially when one (or two) does/do not have any sort of game plan whatsoever aside from “find Base Backpackers before it gets dark.”
And find it we did. We were both feeling a bit “meh” despite being in a pretty city that was not too hot, not too cold (just right, actually; like I said, it reminded me of Vancouver). I think… no, I KNOW that it was because we were both feeling a bit of separation anxiety after having just left Campus East. After a few more stops (including a stint in the local Starbucks, where they messed my drink up not once, not even twice, but thrice), we were back at the hostel in the late afternoon and remained there, reading and relaxing in preparation for an early start the next morning on the big green bus... DUN DUN DUN!
[ps - note the zigzagging in the map above]
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