How ya goin'?
Having some internet issues... and by issues I mean I just don't have it yet. I can check my free uni email account but that's about it until I sign up for a different service. I'm starting to get over my need to blog every three and a half minutes and check my email twice that often. I think it's a good thing.Looking forward to school starting on Tuesday. I have a pretty good schedule, with class three days a week. Leaves lots of beach time!
I just came from a lovely if not slightly unfamiliar church service at Lighthouse Christian Centre. It's a good place, I'll definitely check it out again. I've been to Fairy Meadow Anglican twice now also, and they're lovely as well. Definitely different, and running at the same time, so I suppose I'll have to commit to one.
I was struck by the universality (is that a word?) of Christian friendliness this morning. I'm here on the other side of the world and yet when I introduced myself to a lady today, she said, "welcome home", referring to church. It's so true. I think that's why I've felt a little bit lost mid-week. I crave Christian contact and fellowship and teaching. I gotta say though, it's pretty fantastic to worship God for His creation when you're sitting on a white sandy beach.
Ah well. All in time. On that note (white sandy beaches), here are a few pictures that I managed to upload (I'm at the net cafe).

My favorite poem is that one called Footprints. The sand is so beautiful, and you just sink right into it. Did I mention that I'm 5 minutes from this? Well, I'm 5 minutes from this, and those are my (giant) footprints in the sand.
Speaking of footprints, here's a funny story: I was visiting some friends in a different building a few weeks ago (can you believe I've been here for over two weeks now?), and I was running back to my room in the pouring rain and got caught in some mud. My flip flops came off, and I thought, well I shouldn't be wearing these anyway because they're terrible and my podiatrist would yell at me anyway, so I'll just leave them in the mud and get them in the morning. Totally forgot about them, of course. A few days later I was watching a movie with some people and one of the guys was like, "HEY! LOOK AT THESE FLIP FLOPS I FOUND IN THE MUD!" And sure enough, he was wearing my shoes. I told him the next time I saw him and we had a good laugh. I told him that they were worn and he shouldn't be wearing them and he said, "I notice that every time I wear them I get a bit knock-kneed!" And a few days ago, he came up to me and he was like, "Sara!! Someone stole our shoes!" So by the time I leave, I expect to find them again. I just think it's silly that someone would pick some shoes out of the mud and make them their own.

There is something different about seeing it with your own two eyes. I went to Sydney and did the typical touristy things, and it was definitely as pretty a picture as you might expect. Only it's not a picture. When you're there. And I was. Thank you, Captain Obvious! The train took about 2 hours, and it was an interesting journey. One minute you're staring at beautiful water and forest, and then all of a sudden the whole train car stinks and you're zipping past a cement plant or garbage dump. Very odd indeed.

Campus is beautiful. It's very well-maintained and there are duck ponds and lots of green space for studying out in the beautiful sun. Don't be fooled, though. Mad props to Rose, who advised packing my warmest pajamas. They have come in VERY handy, Rose! It's clear and COLD, especially at night. I can't wait for the weather to turn warmer, but in the meantime, this is about as cold as it gets (which isn't so bad if you consider freezing rain in Vancouver up until late spring!).

Another shot of campus. It's very lush as you can see. The campus is smaller than UBC by more than half, so it's not so easy to get lost. I still manage to of course, but they have directories all over, thank goodness. There are all sorts of interesting birds... instead of crows they have these black and white and red birds that are just about as annoying but much prettier. I've also seen a few wild budgies, which is bizarre. They don't look like my budgie, Jasmine, but bigger and a bit less colourful. Still cool!

I love the beach. Just so you know. Every time I go there, it's different, and stunning and wonderful and captivating. I feel like even the clouds hang differently over here. Hmmm!
I've been doing well over here. I've been to a few parties, a few pubs, a few churches, and I've had time to explore Wollongong a bit. The place is PACKED now and I've had the pleasure of meeting some pretty cool people so far. I look forward to the start of the session too, because I've got some good classes lined up (read: NERD ALERT hehehe!).
I was invited to dinner at the house of a couple that I met at church, so I went for seafood yesterday evening. I had baby octopus!!!!!!! Can't say I liked it very much, but it was a lovely evening. I thoroughly enjoyed fixing and sharing dinner, then watching a movie (About a Boy = EXCELLENT soundtrack!!!).
I've got a busy week ahead I think, and I'm looking forward to it! I hope everyone at home is doing well.
Alright, time to shut up for a while.
Awesome photos Sara! I love the footprints one!
everyone loves Sara's feet--enough to steal her shoes :) What a weird story!
I am STILL so sad that I missed your phonecall on Saturday. Here's hoping you'll try me again :)
miss you
SO COOL!!!! Those pictures are amazing and I'm sure it doesn't capture it in all it's beauty and glory :P Which sucks for me haha but is awesome for you ;) Glad you're enjoying your time there and I hope it continues to be just as (or more) beautiful.
Take care hon. I'll write you an email soon (a very long one) haha.
Yes, the Harry Potter insanity continues even on this tiny isolated little island. Even the uni students are getting into it.
Tried you AGAIN just now. :(
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