Question of the Day
Naïveté. Naiveté. Which one's better? What's the significance of the umlaut-thingy versus the single dot over the "I"? And which one should I be using in my paper?
That's three questions, but you know what? It's not "day" here either, so all bets are off. :)
Geoffrey and I have made up. And by "made up" I mean I turned in my Chaucer stuff today. But I have a new arch-nemesis, don't you worry. He's been lurking in the shadows just waiting to POUNCE. I wonder how he would like a swift scissor kick to the face!? Or maybe I'll get Kelly to break his legs!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Jonathan Swift.
Excuse me sir, would you please shut up and leave me alone?

Oh I don't really mean that. I do like Mr. Chaucer... I'm just feeling a little "overwhelmed" at the moment. Much due and much to do.
I've been so neglectful... I'll definitely try to blog soon.

Snow? In Australia? Many of you have heard about the snow in Oz. Well, it's not snowing HERE thank goodness, but contrary to popular belief, it does indeed get chilly in the land down under. I still sleep in flannel pajamas, a sweatshirt, socks, and two blankets.
This whole "school" thing is really cramping my blogging style. Ah well. I've just been told that my paper is not due tomorrow (Friday), but rather NEXT Friday. SCOOOOOORE.
Tonight we had Shepherd's Pie for dinner. My mom makes the best Shepherd's Pie in the universe. I miss her.
So! Last Friday we celebrated the 21st birthday of Minnesotan (but honourary Australian princess) Katelyn Walker.

The evening included a trip to a fantastically beautiful (but very cold) beach in North Wollongong.

(Waiting for the boys to arrive)

Beach soccer is the cat's meow.

Karana the sand angel.
Those who know me well will recall that I have a certain fascination with fire and setting things on fire. My mom is probably cringing right now. Well, some of my girlfriends are into this thing called FIRE TWIRLING, which is essentially two flaming balls attached to chains that you fling around. They were gracious enough to let all who were interested (read: DARING) to take part, and so I did. Bwahahahah! It was good times.

This week's been really good. I like my job an awful lot and feel so blessed to have it. Things could change of course, but I'll take it while I've got it!
You stay classy, Campus East.

That's some quality hallway decoration.
It's a shame that I didn't manage to capture the shopping cart that was impaled on the iron fence a few days ago.
I am continuously amazed.
Happy One Month Anniversary, Wollongong

I arrived in Wollongong a month ago. Crazy, crazy stuff.
Things to do, but, well, here's to you, baby.