I might just be the worst blogger ever
I've been doing a lot more lurking than posting lately, but it's probably because other people's lives are seemingly much more interesting than my own.
Tonight, Switchfoot. Tomorrow, I must remember that I have to pump out about 8,000 good words [key word here is GOOD] in the next week or so.
Can you believe I left Vancouver a quarter of a year ago? It seems so crazy. Probably because it IS crazy. "A quarter of a year" sounds much more intense than "three months" and especially "ninety days" but no matter how you put it, Sara Down Under is halfway home.
New date of return (thanks to my dad's brilliant idea to have Christmas in Hawaii): December 31, 2005. Huzzah.
Dean (the coolest soon-to-be PhD) has left for Aberdeen to begin his own adventure. My hat's off to him. It's going to be great.
Trying to think if I have any pretty pictures with which to impress you. Umm... nope. But here's a box that Kell and I set outside of our house for my dog.
So, I'm not homesick, but sometimes, I am struck with little reminders that I'm pretty far away! This morning, for example, I got an email from the soundteam at P-PAC with the schedule and I was like, "What the clap!! Where is MY name? Oh... wait a tick." Duhhhhhh.
Anyway. I'm at work, having a lovely day with the ladies in the office.
I went to Tasmania with Jami last weekend.

(this is my "i'm unimpressed" face)
Tomorrow: Sydney Aquarium and FEIST.
This week coming up is spring break (WOOT!), so I'll try to stop being a blog slacker.
I've been a neglectful blogger, but I have been and continue to be busy with school and the like. Highlights of the last few weeks include the thriving metropolis of Kangaroo Valley (and it's highly inappropriate bridge), Fitzroy Falls, the Southern Highlands, Kiama, Minammurra Rainforest, study sessions at a variety of local cafes, too many train rides, "higher learning," thinking of a career change before even beginning one, the frugality of life in residence, good coffee, and amazing company at "family dinners" over at Keiraview.

What is with this weather? I'm sitting here wearing two
sweatshirts, jeans, slippers and my comforter and I'm still
cold. My fingers are frozen! There is something wrong with
this picture. I thought Oz was supposed to be warm all the
I want coffee.......