Went in for an interview, left with a job. Praise the Lord! I start Monday at 8:30 and I'll be trying it out for a couple weeks. Still, what an excellent opportunity. The owner, Ted, seems really, really nice, and so do the other people who were there today. The job description is very similar to the office work I was doing at Tomko, plus a bit more word processing.The only thing he wasn't sure of was my wage, but the bare minimum in Australia is $12.30 an hour, which is better than what I was making at home. SO IT'S ALL GOOD. The way I see it, even if they let me go after two weeks, that's 4 days of income.
So, last night I went to Fuji Yama, one of those Japanese restaurants where they throw food at you and then set things on fire and cook at your table. Very fun. The best part hands down was the company. I think there were 14 of us, girls' night out, and it was so lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Hmm... that's all I have to say right now! I have been in such a fantastic mood all day (it's only 12:31, mind you!). Talked to my dad, and Megs, and Nicki, and then had breakfast with Karana and Andrew, made plans to go see Madagascar, have some great tunes in Shufflepants McGuggin, and it's sunny!
I think I should go translate some Chaucer though.... I have to remember that there's this whole SCHOOL thing to think about!

I kinda miss my dog... and the girl who took this pic.
COOL!! Good JOB Sara!! NO PUN INTENDED! Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck!!!
Miss you! love you!
Well done bloggeroo :)
Make sure you get your tax code sorted out so you don't pay tax at the full rate (you get an allowance which is untaxed, else later in the year you will find yourself having to claim tax back, which is a pain). Maybe your boss/their finance people can lend you a hand.
Shufflepants McGuggin?? Did you get a new toy?!?!
PS I forgot to tell you I came up with a good name for your camera. I forgot it now though :P BLAME THE MEDS ;) haha. Hopefully will think of it again and soon (if you didnt figure one out yet) - Kiri
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