Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Note to Self

Note to self: All doors are locked during 6:00 am fire drills. Take keys or you will be very, very annoyed.


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Mike said...

That ranks up there with Walmart locking in the cleaners and then there being an actual fire.

If it wasn't a drill you'd be screwed. It only takes a second of fumbling with the keys... i don't even wanna think about it.

Things need to be changed, and who will stand up to the might of the Canadian Amazon making a ruckass (how to do spell that anyway?) over safety issues? ;)

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Oh and what were they thinking, 6am fire drills???

HELLO??!!! (or is that "g'day"???!!!)

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Sara said...

I should probably clarify... I was locked OUT of my room, not INTO it. In the case of a real fire, it wouldn't have mattered, because I would be alive.

And we knew it was coming. They warned us. It was more of a "Sara you're stupid" anecdote than a "Campus East is a ho for the establishment" kind of thing.


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